In this ongoing series of photographs, I delve into the iconic world of Midcentury objects with a pseudo-scientific lens, employing an anthropological approach to cataloging their historic significance. Each image serves as a visual artifact, meticulously captured and presented with precision against a pristine white backdrop, reminiscent of museum displays.

With a nod to the conscientious cataloging methods of anthropologists, each object is not merely photographed, but is also labeled with the object's name, designer, and date of creation, inviting viewers to engage in a scholarly exploration. A complementary color bordering each object enhances its the visual impact, echoing the aesthetic sensibilities of the era it represents. 

Through this series, I aim to evoke a sense of reverence for these Midcentury treasures, illuminating their timeless appeal and cultural significance. By presenting them in a manner reminiscent of scientific inquiry, I invite viewers to contemplate the ways in which material culture shapes our understanding of history and identity.

As this body of work continues to evolve, my exploration of Midcentury objects serves not only as a visual archive but also as a testament to the enduring legacy of design excellence and innovation that continues to inspire us today.